President Message for July 2023

Presidents Message for July 2023

While the Crankin A guys were having fun at the Garage on the 1st Tuesday of August the ladies were having even more fun at Nancy Clarks home. It is amazing how many stories and different subjects we can talk about in that short amount of time. Of course we have to get all set up at her big table, looking out on their lake, with coffee and goodies provided by everyone. Those of us present were Angie, Chris (the Clarks daughter) Jan, Karen W, Nancy, Sheila #3, and myself. 

This month we celebrated the 72nd anniversary of Fred and Nancy, which was actually ON Tuesday. We looked thru their wedding album and enjoyed all the beautiful photos. We all decided the Nancy has changed throughout the years, but Fred still resembles his younger self. Congratulations to you both. Angie also shared a photo of her and Wally on their wedding day. It was equally as beautiful. We then shared how long each of us had been married. If we had added them all together it would have been - a lot of years… 

We talked about Sundays late afternoon storm, which knocked out much of Angie’s electricity throughout her home. We also talked about animals - cats, dogs, frogs, bears and the snake that was in Nancy’s bathroom! Cruises were another subject we got into and who is going on the next one. We talked about Cataract surgery since Kathy was having it that day and Elaine was with her. We had a discussion about the Garage and the progress that continues, and how refreshing it is to have our apprentice, Parker. Angie pulled out her phone and shared photos of all the different Model T’s that she and Wally owned. Sounds like Wally was quite the mechanic. 

We also discussed the new website and how fortunate we are to have Randy’s dedication to its creation. And true to Crankin A fashion, we had lots of goodies. Angie even made one of her delicious cheese cakes, fresh out of the oven at 4 AM. So, in case anyone was wondering what happens at Nancy’s when the ladies get together on the 1st Tuesday of each month, it is a lot of fun conversation with loving friends. It you haven’t had a chance to meet with us, please try it. All are welcome! 

Regarding the website, it is now accessible to everyone at We are in the process of doing updates to many of the pages, such as the events, birthday/anniversary page, etc. Herman added another item to his Tech Tip page, too. Please take a look and let us know if we need to add or change anyone’s birthday or anniversary. Lastly, if you have any suggestions they can be submitted to 

As we transition to our new website, please become familiar with it, particularly the events page. Eventually this will be where you should go to find out about our upcoming events😊 SO, you will not need to be dependent on my Updates for what’s happening in the Crankin A’s future! However, knowing me, I will probably keep those updates coming, but just in case -->!! 

Over and out for now



Crankin A’s Model A Restorers Club, Inc.