The November/December Meeting of the Crankin A’s Model A Restorers Club, Inc., was opened by President, Kim Ziffra, at 10:00 AM on December 2, 2023, at the Pioneer Art Settlement, 176 Lightfoot Ln., Barberville, Fl.., 32105. 

 There were 47 members and guests:  Fred Clark’s Son, Brad & Daughter, Sue, along with Kim Ziffra’s Daughter, Kristen and Son-in- law, Chuck.   

It was requested that the minutes of the October Meeting be accepted as posted on our website   A motion was made and accepted.

 Our Treasurer, Dennis Dunn, reported that we have Club Treasury: $2,424.54; $10,841.57 in our Herman’s Garage Fund: and $6,485.46 in our Donations Fund.  We have 42 paid up members with pending funds being turned over to Dennis at this meeting. 

Sunshine Report: Karen has sent a Sympathy card to Fred Clark & a Plaque from Club and Get Well Cards to: Bert Seymour, Don Widajewski and Angie Schneider. 

Cleo Banfi gave us some Ford Trivia information:  his first motor was introduced Christmas Eve 1843.  In 1910 he built a log cabin for a Santa’s Workshop where he handed out many lavish toys to all children.  Asked “Who invented the assembly line?” Answer was Ransom Olds, after whom the Oldsmobile was named.

 Bruce gave us a Pioneer Art Settlement Report. Saturday, Dec. 9, 2023, will be their Christmas Remembered Day at the Settlement.  Asked for donations of cookies to be handed out to the children and that we come 10 – 2 PM dressed in Christmas attire and decorate our Cars.  Need volunteers for everything. 

 Old Business:  Kim went over our numerous November activities.  One of the highlights was Bruce’s First Responders Tour/lunch that was applauded and liked by everyone who participated.  Nutcracker Ballet was amazing and Marina Coidakis reported selling 51 tickets to our December 7th Christmas Dinner/Party.  Reminded us to PLEASE bring your tickets or you will NOT be allowed to enter the Palmetto Club.  Doors open at 5PM – no sooner.  Dinner served around 6PM and entertainment 7 – 7:15PM.  

 New Business: Ed Hart has returned and has T-shirts with him.  A $2,00 additional fee was voted upon and agreed to covering extra expenses.  Since the price of the different sizes varied only slightly, Dennis Dunn made a motion, second by Joe Dlubac, to charge a flat $20 per shirt.  Motion was accepted.

  Kim thanked Debbie & Randy Poirier for their donation for a picture now hanging in the Garage. 

 Kim asked for two volunteers to do the Annual Audit;   Ed Hart and Ed Evans agreed to handle. 

New Club business cards were discussed and a QR code is available to access Club information.  

ary Michael gave a glowing report on the smooth transition that was made from Hanger to Garage in one day with many many participating Club members making it possible.  Harvey & Gary made progress on electrical plan; J. B. lights; Don & Gary all helped, Parker helped doing electrical work.  

Paul had a list of things to be done – Gary needed Parker’s help.  He presented Parker a Thank You gift of a Club Shirt for his being so helpful. 

Before leaving her position as First Lady President of the Crankin A’s Kim wanted to give a special Thank You to the many Committee Chairs that helped her be so effective:  Activities Director, Bruce Hawley;  Club Car, Glenn Jewell; Garage Foreman, Gary Michael; Historian, Dennis Dunn; Model A News, Joe Filakosky; Photography, James Foresman; Sunshine Report, Karen Widajewski; and Website/social media, Randy Poirier, James Foresman and Herman Wedemire.  Harvey Willis reminded the Club that without Fred Clark and Kim Ziffra there would be no Herman’s Garage.   

Joe Dlubac stated we should be forever grateful to Kim for transitioning us to where we are now!

Kim turned the meeting over to the Nominating Committee Chairman, Bruce Hawley.   He asked if there were any more nominations from the floor for any of the open positions and received none.  The new slate of Officers for 2024 & 2025 was read:  President; Paul Howes; Vice President, Kim Ziffra; Treasurer, Connie Kwiecien; Secretary, Elaine Lowe; Board of Directors: Jim Coidakis, Larry Antonelli and Glen Jewell.  A motion was made and accepted by all.   

Kim recounted her memories of country living and foundation in playing with cars – changing oil, etc. and when Model A’s came into her life she was once again tinkering with motors and was completely happy.  

She then turned the meeting over to newly elected President, Paul Howes.  He gave us some background on being interested for 15 years, 2007 or so at our Spring Car Show.  Eric Evans introduced him to the Crankin A’s in 2012/2013.  Paul presented Kim with two plaques from the Club and a special Golden Carburetor Award he made for her.  All three very impressive for an especially impressive First Lady President.  Kim then presented Paul with a gift from her - a very well crafted and comprehensible President Handbook to guide him for next two years.  There is no doubt that he will do just fine 😉

Meeting adjourned at 11:19 AM and 5/50 was won by Bruce Hawley who promptly returned the winning $23 back to the Club.  Thank You, Bruce.  He will pick February Monthly Club Restaurant (tentatively Miller’s Ale House to be confirmed).  Amen!

Respectfully Submitted: Elaine B. Lowe, Secretary