The September Meeting of the Crankin A’s Model A Restorers Club, Inc., was opened by President, Kim Ziffra, at 10:07 AM on September 30, 2023, at the Pioneer Art Settlement, 176 Lightfoot Ln., Barberville, FL., 32105.  There were 30 members present.  Kim made a sad announcement that Elizabeth Wischer (niece of Jeff & Lisa Moore) had passed away on 9/29/23.  A moment of silence was held.  Before regular meeting got under way, Kim introduced Heirich Hole, from the Pioneer Art Center.  He offered to hold a demonstration of techniques in the use of metal.  He offered to make the tailgate brackets for our Club project with the participation of our members.  The demonstration will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023, Herman’s Garage at 10 AM.  A signup sheet will be passed around to give him the number attending.    

It was requested that the minutes of the August meeting be accepted as posted on our new website: A motion was made and accepted. Our Treasurer, Dennis Dunn, reported that we have $930.91 in our Club Treasury; $10,841.57 in our Herman’s Garage Fund; and $6,360.46 in our Donation Fund after payment of $3,000 for concrete ramp and pads. Our current membership is 74 members. Jan Shepler suggested we send out the new membership forms for 2024 via e-mail to print, fill out and either given back to Dennis with check at a meeting or by regular mail. All members will be paying $50 for MARC and $10 for Crankin A’s. There is a list of the Friends of our Club that are exempt. A discussion was held regarding our Club becoming members of MAFCA and MARC to be looked into by Board of Directors

Sunshine Report: Karen sent a Sympathy card to Elaine Stewart; a Thinking of You to Darrell Dregne; and Get Well to Pat Dixon. Cleo Banfi on Henry Ford trivia: most rare Model A built was the 1931 Town Car Delivery; Model T had over $10,000 parts; asked what the hardest to restore was – Woody, although most answered “The one they were working on.” 😉 Fred Ziffra reported the Pioneer Art Settlement Board of Directors meeting was mainly regarding the new Restroom issue for the Settlement. New T Shirt can be ordered by signing up for with Larry Antonelli, as well as nametags – Ed Hart will be ordering after his return in October. The International Model A Ford Day held Sept. 16, 2023, turned out to be successful with five Clubs being represented. They are looking forward to coming back in April for our Car Show. Turns out the Ice Cream Truck was a big hit. Ladies Day with Nancy has been cancelled. Monthly Dinner will be at the Olive Garden Restaurant on International Speedway Blvd, Daytona Beach (Hwy 92) at 5:00 PM., October 12, 2023. John Knox Village Picnic is 10/27/2023 meeting at Garage at 9AM including free lunch and tour of Village. November 4 is Fall Country Jamboree & Car Show at Pioneer Art Settlement – not our regular Car Show. November 19, 2023, 2:00 PM at the Coliseum will be a special ballet Christmas Show – TBA. December 7th Annual Christmas Dinner Party, 5 PM. Tickets on sale now. Contact Marina & Jim Coidakis.

New Business: Ray Nadenic reported on a LEGACY Fall Harvest Fest, October 21, 2023, with free entry to Model A’s. Will meet at Hermans Garage at 9AM meeting up with Ray & Sandy at corner of Rt. 3 and Hwy. 17 to caravan rest of the way. Fest is from 10 AM to 6PM (do not have to stay the whole time – near Pierson under 20 miles from Garage). October 28, 2023 is Club Monthly Meeting, Pioneer Art Settlement 10AM. Bruce is planning a day trip to Flagler Executive Airport, Palm Coast Highjackers Restaurant, 202 Airport Rd. for a First Responder Tour and lunch. Meet at Garage 9 AM. on November 8, 2023. DeLand’s Veterans Day Parade is November 11, 2023.

A Nominating Committee to select possible candidates for President, Vice President, and three Board of Directors was appointed: Jeff Moore, Bruce Hawley, and Larry Antonelli. Election will be held at Nov/Dec. Meeting. Glen reported on Club Car Project. He is satisfied with the starting of the project to fix initial damage working on only one day a week. Will begin woodworking when Paul Howes returns then working on sheet metal. He was told about the use of Hanger Funds to finance the project. Meeting adjourned 11:38AM. 50/50 won by Roberta Covart for Nov. 9th Monthly Dinner Restaurant.

Respectfully Submitted:
Elaine B. Lowe, Secretary