Summer Solstice 2023

Posted 2023/June 21st

Good Afternoon to the Crankin A’s, 

It is raining cats and dogs here at my house right now and chances are you are also getting a bit wet in your neck of the woods.  So, it may not seem like it but today is the 1st day of Summer. The 2023 Summer solstice took place today, Wednesday June 21, at precisely 10:58 AM ET in the U.S. Contrary to popular belief, the solstice is an exact moment in time and not the entire day.  The event takes place on the first day of the astronomical Summer season and marks the exact point the northern hemisphere is pointing directly towards the Sun, the point when the Sun’s rays hit this part of the Earth most directly.  The North Pole, in the northern hemisphere, is pointing in the direction of the Sun, while at the same time, the South Pole is pointing away from the Sun. The southern hemisphere has their winter solstice on the same day.

It also marks the longest day of the year for us, with the highest number of daylight hours seen in a single day in 2023. We should expect at least 16 hours of daylight today, although some of those hours will be cloudy and rainy. 

I had planned to send this photo as encouragement to go out and enjoy the extra daylight, but the weather is preventing a dry and happy day of motoring. Well, enjoy the photo anyway and think about that next Model A outing! 

Kim Ziffra -- President -- Crankin A’s Model A Restorers Club, Inc.