2023/07/23 -- Getting ready for the week Updates

Distributed - 2023, July 23

Hello Crankin A’s, It’s raining again in Samsula.  I am thankful for the rain, however.  Hopefully it will cool it down a bit outside.  My modern car temperature read 97 degrees earlier. Definitely too hot for Model A driving.   

I have a few items of ‘housekeeping’ at the Garage to review with everyone while it’s all fresh in my mind. 

  • We have a lot of useful tools that are available for our members to borrow for home repairs. There is going to be a sign out sheet at the Garage to fill out whenever you borrow and return any tools. This will help in many ways, but especially to prevent trying to find something if it is checked out.
  • Sometimes we need parts for our cars that the Club has up in the loft area.  We need to make sure and keep what we will need to complete our club car builds.  If there are extra parts (not needed for the club cars) that can be used by members on their own cars, we simply ask that a donation be given to the club. This will help if we need to purchase new or used parts for our club car.    
  • We are going to be passing around a sign up sheet for helpers to work on the club car. Fred Clark provided a photo of what is planned for the car. He also provided a booklet of information from our last club car to help guide us along the way. Now that we have the Garage organized with efficient workflow, let’s get rockin on this car! It is a great opportunity to learn all about ‘every’ part that makes up the Model A.

 This Saturday 7/29/23 is our monthly meeting. It begins at 10:00 AM. We will be meeting in the auditorium of the big school house. Randy P is going to present the new website to us on the big screen! Then he is going to turn it over to James (and I). Randy has put a lot of time and effort into its creation and it is looking really great. We will be able to add links and other pages, so if you have any ideas please share. When you arrive for the meeting, enter at the main gate and park along Lightfoot Lane (the road that is in front of the school house).  Please stay on the road and Please do not drive thru the campus.  If you need to go back to the Garage, exit the main gate and drive around to Lemmon Rd and enter thru gate B2 (behind our Garage).  I promised Erick I would remind everyone. There may be visitors and we want to keep everyone safe. 

The good news is – no need to bring any food, the grill, etc. After the meeting we have 12:30 PM reservations for lunch at the Castaways Restaurant, 23525 Fl-40 W, Astor, Fl 32102. All I would bring to the meeting is a drink and a smile.  

Saturday 8/5/23 at 10:00 AM, James and the Mustang Club have invited us for a tour of the Motor sports, Hall of Fame at Daytona International Speedway. If anyone would like to join us please let me or James know ASAP. Cost is $12 per person.    

The memorial for Ron was really nice. Taps was played by the Army bugler and he played it flawlessly. Jeff Moore did the eulogy.  Afterwards Connie had a gathering at the Lost Lagoon Restaurant in New Smyrna. It was a real nice time.  Thank you Connie for the lovely time we all had together. Our prayers are with you and your family. 

I wanted to share a few health related items I forgot in my last few emails.  In case you hadn’t heard about Joe F, he had a heart Cath on July 4th.  Ron Dixon has been out with hernia surgery. And Dennis – well he won’t be using his left thumb for quite a while as it mends.  It was a case of thumb vs. saw… We know who wins in that battle.  Hope everyone is successfully recuperating. 

I heard from Bruce today.  He is doing well but trying to stay warm!?? You should have stayed in FL if you want warmth! Haha. He took his Tudor with him this Summer and learned a valuable lesson. Never trailer a Model A facing forward.  It damaged the roof. He had to have a new roof and is currently having new interior. She will look beautiful when she’s all fixed up 😊 

I heard from Steve and Pat Anderson. In Wisconsin they have a Tudor named ‘Elry’. Elry has recently won 3 trophy’s from 3 shows. We are proud of you, Congratulations. 

Have a great week everyone and see you on Saturday at the meeting at the Pioneer Settlements auditorium.  Keep that water handy! 

Kim Ziffra


Crankin A’s Model A Restorers Club, Inc.